In the event you opt with the doubled doors, then you definitely want the surfaces for each and every facet of one’s garage door parts. In the event that you just put in the single door, then you’ll need the wall area within your place’s facet around the diameter of the clopay garage door keyed lock set 4125480 the home depot therefore it can slide. The barn door could spare more space up than you decide on the flying door, but it still needs the space for the slipping combined having its course. As the author has insert this image into Garage Door Accessories post section, would ease you to find the perfect match of you decor desire. Measure from the top left hole in the handle to the end of the left spring latch.Ĭlopay Garage Door Keyed Lock Set 4125480 The Home Depot This image gallery named as Clopay Garage Door Keyed Lock Set 4125480 The Home Depot might be ideal solution for your decoration. Otherwise, rotate the inside release handle counterclockwise until it stops. Step L12: If the lock is located in the center of the door width, cut the lock cable in half and go to Step L14. How To Install Clopay Garage Door Keyed Lock Set Rating: 9,2/10 4126 reviews